Friday, June 17, 2005
Never seek to possess
what most you love'
for in possession
the object of desire grows stale,
which, unattainable,
grew sweet day by day -
untouched, unsoiled, unworn'
a scented bloom upon an ageless tree.
Daily reborn'
daily reclad in infinate delight'
food for your dreams;
urge for your toil;
what man can wholly take
his eager hands will spoil.

Yet, should he force the treasure,
brief ecstasy
more worth than daily measure
to him may be,
tastes differ, I have set
bright in my room,
poppies adn mignonette,
wild apple-bloom,
blue phlox and columbine,
fair violet;
pleasant their company,
short-lived their memory.

My heart's white rose,
lifting her virgin face
still in my garden grows.
This template is called "shattered pieces of my soul", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.